Our Adoption Announcement from 2016

There was no stopping us now, as the little courage we had left, enabled us to make this BIG announcement!

Yes, adoption is a beautiful journey, however, when you walk into an unknown territory you have no idea how people, even those that you love will respond and even react to such an announcement.

We received so much love and support but also within this very space we also received so much negativity, unsolicited advice and even the lack of support.

Guess what? That didn’t stop us! Through our faith and extremely supportive circle of family and friends we looked ahead as we knew God had big plans for us.

I remember the excitement when we were notified that we had cleared to finally be on the “wait list” which meant it was a waiting game to receive that special call for an available child.

Although we are looking ahead in the picture, we had no idea what was to come or waiting for us around the corner. Boy, we were in for the surprise of our life!


People Say the Most Awkward Things!


Season of Gratitude